DV Webinars
Note: CLE's and CJE's may now be earned for viewing the initial presentation, or by watching the recorded sessions below.
Quick Links
- Adverse Childhood Experiences, Polyvictimization, Trauma, and the Science of HOPE
- Anger Management and Batterers' Intervention Program, Knowing The Difference
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Family Courts
- BIP: Beyond a Suggestion
- Canon in D Diversity, Procedural Fairness & Ethics for Judges
- Crossroads of Mediator Ethics and Interpersonal Violence
- Domestic Violence and the Military Lunch and Learn
- Domestic Violence Caselaw Update October 2019
- Domestic Violence Caselaw Update March 2021
- Domestic Violence Caselaw Update March 2022
- Domestic Violence Caselaw Update March 2023
- Elder Abuse
- Eldercaring Coordination
- Enforcing Civil Protection Orders Through Indirect Civil and Criminal Contempt Proceedings
- Florida Domestic Violence Case Informaiton System
- Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System
- Florida Domestic Violence Courts Information System Lunch and Learn
- Human Trafficking 101: An Introduction Presented by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit
- Human Trafficking Advanced Course by Judge Robert Bauman
- Human Trafficking and the Courts
- HOPE Cards Launch in Florida
- How the Courts Can Protect our Elders
- How to Utilize the Department of Revenue Child Support Excel Spreadsheet
- Interpersonal Violence Caselaw Update (April 2024)
- Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: The Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence
- Judges Tell: What I Wish I Had Known Before I Presided in an Adult Victim Sexual Assault Case
- Leading with Trauma-Informed Advocacy while Navigating the Injunctions for Protection (IPF) Process
- Let’s Be Clear! Avoiding Conflicting Orders for Parties Navigating through Domestic Violence in Court
- Looking in the Rear View Window - Tips for Presiding Over Injunction for Protection Hearings
- Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They and What Can They Tell the Courts?
- Moving Beyond the "Honor System": Effective Judicial Strategies to Prevent Prohibited Abusers' Access to Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases
- Navigating OBO’s and Custody in Domestic Violence Cases
- Neurotrauma of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Disorders: Women in the Drug Court
- Okay, Boomer - What Judges Should Know about Generational Differences in and out of Court
- Pasco County Sheriff's Office Human Trafficking Webinar
- Recognizing the Inherent Lethality Risks of Coercive Control
- Six Crucial Issues in Supervised Visitation
- Strangulation: All Things Legal
- Strangulation: All Things Lethal and Medical
- Technology, The Silent Witness: What you need to know
- The Institute for Family Violence Studies – Supervised Visitation Webinar
- The Last Drop - Film Screening and Discussion on Dating Violence
- The Link between Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence
- The Spectrum of Coercive Control presented by Dr. Evan Stark
- Trauma, ACEs, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and The Brain: Implications, Controversies and Countering Myths in Court Cases - Part 1
- Trauma, ACEs, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and The Brain: Implications, Controversies and Countering Myths in Court Cases - Part 2
- UCCJEA, Hague, PKPA, and ICARA – The Alphabet of Custody Jurisdiction: What Judges Need to Know
- Understanding the Role of the Certified Domestic Violence Center
- What Pets can Tell us About Their Families - Understanding the link between animal cruelty, domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse to produce better judicial outcomes
- “Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me When I’m 64?” (February 28, 2019)
- 5th Amendment Considerations in Injunction Hearings
Florida Domestic Violence Case Information System
Navigating OBO’s and Custody in Domestic Violence Cases
Presented by Judge Michaelle Gonzalez-Paulson, 11th Judicial Circuit on Feb 5, 2025 PM EST
Learning Objectives: After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify Common Issues in Reviewing OBO’s
- Evaluate Custody matters while prioritizing the safety and well-being of both the child and victim.
- Apply the latest case law and legislative updates to rulings.
Judges that watch this webinar may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course no. 25-02. Attorneys may receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course no. 2409912N.
Webinar Transcript
HOPE Cards Launch in Florida
Presented by Dana Benson, Hillsborough Co. Clerk, Jena Rundus, Victim Specialist w/ Hillsborough Co. Sheriff’s Office and Tenille Myslicki, Director of CCR/Hillsborough DV Task Force on January 16, 2025.
Learning Objectives - After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Define what the HOPE Card is.
- Describe how they are issued.
- Define how they are implemented in the life of a survivor.
Attorneys may receive 2 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2500400N. Judges may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course number 25-11.
Webinar Transcript
Domestic Violence and the Military Lunch and Learn
Presented by Judge Howard O. McGillin, Jr, 7th Circuit, Heather Housel, DV Attorney with the United States Navy and Major Andrea Ellis, Senior Victims' Counsel, USAF on December 10, 2024.
Learning objectives: At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Participants will become familiar with the US Military’s programs regarding prevention and remediation of incidents of Domestic Violence as readiness enhancing activities.
- Participants will become familiar with the pre-existing and revised structure of the military justice system regarding sexually violent offenses and the interface with domestic violence response.
- Participant will become familiar with the areas of overlap and areas of conflict between on-base and off-base responses to domestic violence.
Judges who watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course #24-56; attorneys may receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2404885N.
Webinar Transcript
How the Courts Can Protect our Elders
Presented by Rima Nathan, Clinical Professor and Director of the Claude Pepper Elder Law Clinic; Florida State University College of Law
December 3, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 1 PM EST
Learning objectives: As a result of attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify the signs of financial and physical abuse of elders.
- Describe new legislation that has been implemented to help the courts protect older adults who are being exploited
- Define ethics and surrogate decision-making
- Recognize alternatives to guardianship and institute communicating with family members of elders
Attorneys can receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2404541N. Judges can receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course #24-51.
Webinar Transcript.
What Pets can Tell us About Their Families - Understanding the link between animal cruelty, domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse to produce better judicial outcomes
Presented by Retired Judge Rosa Figarola, 11th Circuit on Nov 5, 2024
Learning Objectives: As a result of attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Explain the link between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence.
- Describe how being aware of the link can provide another tool with which to understand the family dynamics of a given case.
- Develop skills to incorporate knowledge of the link into their practice to help promote a better understanding of the family and achieve better outcomes.
Judges can receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course number 24-52. Attorneys can receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing Course No. 2404544N.
Webinar Transcript
Understanding the Role of the Certified Domestic Violence Center
Presented by Kristina Lawrence, Esq., and Shelli Tayman on October 24, 2024; Noon to 1 PM EST
Learning Objectives:
- Describe Certified Domestic Violence Center services
- Recognize how these services support both survivor(s) and systems to keep survivor(s) safe
- Describe what Injunction for Protection Project attorneys do and how they can be used to optimize survivor safety in domestic violence cases
Webinar Transcript
Recognizing the Inherent Lethality Risks of Coercive Control
Presented by Judge Holly Grissinger, 6th Judicial Circuit, and Donna King, Ph.D., J.D ., President/Director of Victims Safe Harbor on Sept. 12, 2024
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
Define “coercive control,” as derived from an empirical based study completed with data from a study of intimate partner homicides within the state of Florida.
Identify acts and behaviors of coercive control, i.e., eight themes and twenty-seven sub-themes, utilized by abusers and victims when coercive control is present in an intimate partner relationship, including physical violence and the threat thereof.
Recognize non-violent coercive control tactics in a variety of scenarios through examples provided.
Better understand the application of coercive control to Greyson’s Law, pursuant to § 741.28, Fla. Stat., § 61.13, Fla. Stat., and § 741.30, Fla. Stat.
Understand the lethality risk of the continuing course of conduct of the non-violent tactics of coercive control within an intimate partner relationship between an abuser and a victim, whether or not recent physical violence or the threat thereof is present.
Attorneys may receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2402026N. Judges may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course number 24-25. This webinar also qualifies for 1.0 hour of IPV CME. Please contact the OSCA Dispute Resolution Center at DRCMail@taogoods.net to receive credit.
Webinar Transcript
Let’s Be Clear! Avoiding Conflicting Orders for Parties Navigating through Domestic Violence in Court
Presenters: Honorable Gisela T. Laurent, Ninth Judicial Circuit Court & Honorable Brenda P. Ramirez, Tenth Judicial Circuit.
Presented Aug 21, 2024
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the intersection of domestic violence cases with criminal cases, dependency cases, and family law cases.
- Determine priority of existing orders or injunctions.
- Identify potential conflicting language that may apply in various divisions throughout the courthouse and how to avoid confusion for litigants.
- Integrate safety measures to ensure the safety of victims and integrity of domestic violence injunctions.
Attorneys who watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2408776N. Judges may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course number 24-108.
Webinar Transcript
Interpersonal Violence Caselaw Update April 2024
Presented by Judge Thomas Eineman, 5th Judicial Circuit
Judges can receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMAil@taogoods.net and referencing course 24-36. Attorneys can receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2403346N.
Webinar Transcript
The Last Drop - Film Screening and Discussion on Dating Violence
Recorded Mar 5, 2024
View the discussion of dating violence with Adam Joel, the producer, and Judge Elisabeth Espinosa, 11th Circuit.
Today, many young adults face conflicting messages in popular culture about what makes for a healthy relationship. Technology
is creating new opportunities for connection while at the same time offering new methods for abuse and control. Social
media and tracking technologies offer unparalleled ways to stay close to friends and partners. At the same time, tech can
be twisted by abusers to stalk, monitor and control a partner. The Last Drop explores coercive control through the lens of an
imagined futuristic technology that allows young people to share memories. In a twist on the concept of gaslighting, it also allows for the manipulation of memories to create the image of a happy relationship when the actual relationship was abusive. The film uses futuristic tech-oriented storytelling to connect with a young audience about the dynamics of control in relationships that don’t involve physical violence.
For more information about how to screen the film, please see www.thelastdropfilm.com
UCCJEA, the Hague Convention, PKPA, and ICARA – The Alphabet of Custody Jurisdiction: What Judges Need to Know
Faculty: NCJFCJ President, Judge Gayl Branum Carr, and NCJFCJ Past President, Judge Hiram Puig Lugo
Presented Feb 23, 2024
Learning objectives for the session:
- Define and explain the provisions of the UCCJEA, the Hague Convention, PKPA and ICARA
- Analyze and apply the provisions to frequently encountered jurisdictional issues
Attorneys are eligible to earn 1 CLE if they watch the entirety of the webinar, contact the Florida Bar, and reference course #2401335N. Judges may earn 1 CJE by emailing CJEMail@taogoods.net and certifying that they attended the entirety of the course # 24-21.
Webinar Transcript
Neurotrauma of Domestic Violence and Substance Disorders: Women in Drug Court, A Multi-Disciplinary Webinar
The purpose of this recorded seminar is to inform attorneys, judges, court administrative staff, mental health, Domestic Violence and substance abuse treatment professionals about:
- Domestic violence neurotraumas from inflicted concussion and strangulation hypoxia that occur with women in the justice system (adult drug court, dependency, domestic violence and other criminal and civil courts.)
- Neurotraumas from “accidental” concussions and overdose events in Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) that also affect case planning and disposition in the justice system.
- Looking at women in the justice system through the “eyes of neuroscience” to reduce criminal recidivism and to address underlying neurocognitive symptoms that are mistakenly viewed as solely psychological trauma and psychiatric disorders.
Presenter: Dr. James E. Lewis, Clinical Neuropsychologist
Founder, Brain Injury Education Project
Panelist: Judge Shawn Crane, Pasco County Administrative Judge and Founder, Pasco County Adult Drug Court
Moderator: Angela Johnson, Drug Court Coordinator, Sixth Judicial Circuit, Pasco County
Leading with Trauma-Informed Advocacy while Navigating the Injunctions for Protection (IPF) Process
Presented by Judges Carroll Kelly and Javier Enriquez, 11th Judicial Circuit on October 5th, 2023
This workshop discusses how advocates and survivors can file for injunctions for protection in a trauma-informed manner. After the judicial presentation, OSCA's Do-It-Yourself (DIY) attorney, Dana Grethe, will be available to walk attendees through the DIY online program litigants can use to create an injunction from 1:00 to 1:30 EST.
Attorneys are eligible to earn 2 CLE's, which includes .5 of technology, if they watch the entirety of the webinar and contact the Florida Bar and reference course #2309620N.
BIP: Beyond a Suggestion
Presented by Kevin Tarrance, DCF BIP Specialist, and Susan McMillan, Affordable Counseling, Bradenton, Florida, on September 18, 2023
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the current statutes applicable to Batterers’ Intervention Programs in Florida.
- Describe the current status of BIP certification programs throughout the state.
- Distinguish the key differences between an Anger Management program and a Batterers’ Intervention Program.
- Analyze the benefits obtained by participants that complete the full 29 week BIP program.
Attorneys may receive 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2307043N. Judges may receive 1 CJE by contacting CJEMAIL@taogoods.net and referencing course #23-95.
5th Amendment Considerations in Injunction Hearings
Presented by David Moran, B.C.S. Learning Objectives:
- Understand the protections created by the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the Florida Constitution, and Florida Statutes relating to criminal defendants participating in civil hearings for injunctions.
- Be prepared to inform participants of their 5th Amendment rights relating to potential or pending criminal cases while participating in injunction hearings.
- Recognize participants' 5th Amendment rights and facilitate their reliance on those protections.
Presented July 20, 2023
Attorneys that watch this webinar are eligible for 1 CLE by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course # 2305150N. Judges may request 1 CJE by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course #23-62.
Okay, Boomer - What Judges Should Know about Generational Differences in and out of Court
Presented by Kim Bonner, former 12th Circuit Judge, and Scott Bernstein, 11th Circuit Judge in June 2023
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the basic concepts of generational theory
- Understand how generational differences can affect judges in and out of court
- Develop strategies to avoid generational stereotyping
Attorneys that watch the entire webinar may contact the Florida Bar and receive 1 hour of CLE credit by referencing course 2314106N. Judges that watch the entire webinar may contact cjemail@taogoods.net and receive 1 CJE, of which .25 is ethics, by referencing course 23-50.
Domestic Violence Caselaw Update 2023
Presented in April 2023, Judge Thomas Eineman, 5th Circuit, outlines all of the interpersonal violence case law issued by the Florida appellate courts over the last year.
Attorneys that watch the entire webinar may contact the Florida Bar and receive 1 hour of CLE credit by referencing course 2300530N. Judges that watch the entire webinar may contact cjemail@taogoods.net and receive 1 CJE by referencing course 23-09.
Florida Domestic Violence Courts Information System Lunch and Learn
Presented Feb. 28, 2022 by OSCA Staff
The Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System is a web-based application that allows users to have access to domestic violence injunction cases in addition to domestic relations cases. The system also makes domestic violence resources created by the Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA) easily accessible. This 30 minute lunch and learn webinar will provide participants with a demonstration of the features and inform them on how to gain access to the system.
Trauma, ACEs, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and The Brain: Implications, Controversies and Countering Myths in Court Cases - Part 2
Dr. Geffner is the Founding President of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute; Founding President of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT); and Clinical Research Professor of Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant, San Diego.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand and distinguish among high conflict, alienation, abuse, and rejection issues in family court;
- List 4 controversies relevant to court cases and explain them;
- Describe 4 myths concerning allegations of child sexual abuse, coaching, parental alienation disorder or syndrome, and domestic violence in court cases;
- Understand the types of assessments, qualifications of evaluators and expert witnesses, and issues to look for in evaluation reports for the courts.
To receive 2.5 CLE's, attorneys can contact the Florida Bar and reference course number 2300522N. The program is also eligible for 2.4 CME credits for certified mediators. Judges may receive 2 CJE's by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 23-08.
Trauma, ACEs, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and The Brain: Implications, Controversies and Countering Myths in Court Cases - Part 1
Presented by Robert Geffner, PhD, ABPP, ABN, on December 1, 2022
Dr. Geffner is the Founding President of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute; Founding President of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT); and Clinical Research Professor of Psychology at the California School of Professional
Attorneys who watch this webinar in its entirety may seek 2 CJE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2210919N. Judges who watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 2 CJE credits by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-182.
Canon in D Diversity, Procedural Fairness & Ethics for Judges
- Explore provisions of Canon 3 as it relates to procedural fairness and professionalism.
- Describe subjective factors that impact the decision making process.
- Provide examples of overcoming the need for quick disposition of cases in order to tailor dispositions to an individual child.
- Identify cultural and economic factors impacting disposition.
- Provide examples of professionalism and ethics challenges of the juvenile division judge and effective strategies for resolution.
- Discuss the extent of a judge's responsibilities to combat improper behavior on the part of courtroom staff.
Presented by Judge Claudia Isom (Retired) and Judge Andrea Smith in November 2022.
Attorneys that watch the entire webinar may contact the Florida Bar and receive 1 hour of CLE credit by referencing course 2208205N. Judges who watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-134. The program is also eligible for 1.0 hour of cultural diversity CME. The webinar will not be issuing a certificate. You can report the program on the DRC’s CME form that is submitted at the time of renewal.
Six Crucial Issues in Supervised Visitation
This webinar was presented by Karen Oehme, Director of the Florida State University Institute for Family Violence Studies, on November 2, 2022. Participants who view this webinar will learn about the Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation; the resources they provide to judges, court staff, and supervised visitation program staff; and the protective and skill-building components of supervised visitation programs.
Attorneys may earn 1 CLE credit by watching this webinar in its entirety and referencing course 2208954N. Judges who watch the entirety of this webinar may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-134.
Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System (FDVCIS)
This webinar presents a demonstration of the Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System (FDVCIS). Please note, access to the FDVCIS system is only available to judges and court staff.
Attorneys who view this webinar in its entirety may receive 1 CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2202270N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-53.
Looking in the Rear View Window - Tips for Presiding Over Injunction for Protection Hearings
Presented by Karen K. Cole, Circuit Judge (Retired), Fourth Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, October 2022. In this webinar, Judge Cole discusses the most important topics about which family court judges should be familiar, such as the power and control dynamics of domestic violence, the impact of violence on children, and general principles of child and adolescent development. Participants will also learn about important considerations when a final hearing for injunction is continued, the application of local rules in the injunction process, and other important topics.
Attorneys that watch the entire webinar can get 1 hour of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2205827N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-105.
Enforcing Civil Protection Orders Through Indirect Civil and Criminal Contempt Proceedings
Presented by Judge Dan Traver, 5th District Court of Appeal, August 2022
Attorneys can get 1 hour of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2205829N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-106.
Technology, The Silent Witness: What you need to know
Presented by Steven Bradley, Cybersecurity expert, and Judge Jason Emilios Dimitris, 11th Judicial Circuit, August 2022. Please contact court administration in the 11th circuit for continuing education information.
Learning Objectives:
List three types of technology used to monitor, harass, and abuse
Describe evidence collection strategies for text messages and social networking posts
Identify eight strategies for safety planning around technology
List the top three security settings for mobile devices
Crossroads of Mediator Ethics & Interpersonal Violence
This webinar was presented by the OSCA Florida Dispute Resolution Center in April 2022.
CME: 1.0 hour in mediator ethics and IPV
CLE: The Florida Bar has approved the program for 1.0 hour of legal ethics, course number 2200724N.
2022 DV Caselaw Update
Presented by Judge Thomas Eineman, 5th Judicial Circuit on March 2, 2022. Attorneys may contact the Florida Bar and request 1 CLE credit by referencing course 2201978N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-48.
Moving Beyond the "Honor System": Effective Judicial Strategies to Prevent Prohibited Abusers' Access to Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases
Presented by Darren Mitchell, J.D., Consultant on February 9, 2022
Learning objectives - As a result of this webinar, participants will be better able to:
- Describe the public health effects of abusers’ access to firearms in Florida and nationwide, and effective interventions
- Implement the federal and Florida laws addressing firearms and domestic violence
- Issue domestic violence injunctions that effectively prevent prohibited individuals from accessing firearms
- Monitor compliance with orders to surrender firearms
Darren Mitchell is a consultant on domestic violence and other violence against women issues, with a focus on child custody and domestic violence, firearms and domestic violence, interstate child custody, protection order issuance and enforcement, and full faith and credit. Since 2000, he has trained judges, attorneys, advocates, and other professionals across the country and has published several articles on these topics.
Attorneys that watch the entire webinar may claim 1 hour of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2110745N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 22-15.
Human Trafficking Advanced Course by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit
To obtain 1 CLE credit after watching this webinar that was presented in January 2022, please contact the Florida Bar and reference course 2110774N (valid until 7/31/2023). Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-225.
For more information about human trafficking, see the OSCA human trafficking webpage.
How to Utilize the Department of Revenue Child Support Excel Spreadsheet
Watch this webinar that was presented in December 2021 to hear DOR staff teach users how to properly fill in and interpret the data from their regularly updated Excel worksheet. While primarily designed for judicial officers, lawyers, court staff, and other interested stakeholders may also want to watch this webinar if they are using the DOR spreadsheet to determine child support.
Eligible mediators can claim 1.2 CME's by contacting DRCmail@taogoods.net. Eligible attorneys can claim 1 CLE hour by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2201989N. Judges may receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-236.
If you are a judicial officer and need the latest version of the Excel spreadsheet to use from the bench, please contact the virtual court support at vcsupport@taogoods.net.
Human Trafficking 101: An Introduction Presented by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit
Human Trafficking 101 Transcript. This webinar was presented in November 2021.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Family Courts
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Family Courts Presented by: Judge Karen Cole and Dr. Diane Adreon in October 2021
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is more prevalent among court participants than judges might think. This webinar offers judges a glimpse into how ASD may impact hearings and also suggests ways in which judges in family courts may appropriately and effectively address ASD-related issues in court.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Define ASD and common characteristics of individuals with ASD;
- Apply existing rules and existing or modified procedures to address ASD-related issues appropriately and effectively in court hearings; and
- Construct a case-by-case analysis of appropriate resolutions involving individuals with ASD.
Attorneys that attend this event are eligible to earn 1 ethics CLE credit by reporting their attendance to the Florida Bar and referencing course 2107556N (valid until 4/30/2023). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-169.
Anger Management and Batterers' Intervention Program, Knowing The Difference
Anger Management and Batterers' Intervention Program, Knowing The Difference, presented by Bob Smedley, Community Advocate, Senior Community Corrections, Domestic Violence Team, Orange County Probation (retired). Attorneys may receive up to 1.5 hours of CLE credit by referencing course 2301789N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-63.
Webinar Transcript.
The Spectrum of Coercive Control presented by Dr. Evan Stark
Coercive control is the most common context for a number of poor outcomes in family law cases, including domestic violence, child abuse, kidnapping, and non-accidental child fatalities. This Workshop will introduce coercive control as a spectrum offense and provide the tools to identify its elements, assess its dynamics and prevent its consequences. While designed primarily for judges and court staff, this presentation will be relevant for attorneys, case managers, law enforcement, and other stakeholders involved in the family court system. Attorneys who attend this webinar may receive 2.0 hours of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course number 2301793N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-01.
Dr. Stark's Powerpoint Slides
Domestic Violence Caselaw Update
Slides | Injunctions | Index
Judge Thomas Eineman, 5 th Judicial Circuit, presented this informative interpersonal violence case law update on March 10, 2021. Attorneys who attend this webinar may receive 1 hour of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2302003N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-02.
Elder Abuse
This two-part webinar is presented by Jennifer White, Program Director of the Legal Program from Futures Without Violence. The courts face numerous challenges when addressing elder abuse, including the lack of reliable data and research on this form of abuse; the lack of laws, legal precedent, or appropriate remedies in elder abuse cases; complex evidentiary challenges; issues of victim capacity and victim choice, as well as assumptions about age and aging, limited resources, and the lack of a coordinated community response. The program is designed to aid judges with developing a concerted approach to resolving elder abuse cases.
Attorneys who attend this webinar may receive 3.5 hours of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course 2301970N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 21-04.
Eldercaring Coordination
This form of dispute resolution helps a family dealing with an aging loved one to mange high conflict family dynamics so non-legal issues can be addressed out of court. This one hour webinar features Judge Michelle Morley from the 5th Judicial Circuit, and Linda Fieldstone, M.Ed.
Webinar Transcript
The Link between Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence
Presenter Slides (PDF)
Diane Balkin, J.D., presents the links between behavior involving violence against animals and interpersonal violence. People who hurt animals don't usually stop after being violent with animals. Several studies show that there is a direct intersection between acts of cruelty to animals and violence toward humans, including child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other violent behavior. While primarily oriented to judicial officers, this webinar is available for all interested stakeholders.
To claim 1 hour of CLE credit after watching this video, please refer to course number 2301813N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 20-142.
Webinar Transcript.
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Polyvictimization, Trauma, and the Science of HOPE
Casey Gwinn, JD, co-author of HOPE Rising: How the Science of HOPE Can Change Your Life (2018), the first book of its kind to present the science of hope, along with Alliance for HOPE International CEO Gael Strack, JD, will provide tangible and practical ways for judges and court personnel to apply the latest research on trauma and the science of hope in judicial practice. This session will focus on the predictive nature of childhood trauma on adolescent and adult illness, disease, victimization, and perpetration. It will also touch on the powerful, transformative impact of rising hope in the lives of adult and child trauma survivors including how to measure hope and resiliency in program participants. Attendees will be introduced to the life-changing truth that hope is measurable, cultivatable, and predictive of long-term healing and health in survivors of violence, trauma, and abuse. This session will also provide hands-on direction to apply hope-centered research to address burnout and vicarious trauma in professionals. Hope has the power to transform every workplace, every family, and every relationship. Attendees will walk away with tools to increase hope in your life, the lives of hurting families you serve, as well as friends and family members.
2 hours of CLE credit are available for people who attended the webinar live, and for people who view the webinar after its initial presentation. The CLE number is 2301821N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 20-58.
Strangulation: All Things Legal
In this 1.5 hour webinar designed specifically for judges and court staff, Gael Strack, JD, and Casey Gwinn, JD, discuss strangulation laws, typical legal defenses, the identification of the dominant aggressor, recent case law, and the use of experts in the courtroom. Gael and Casey will also share promising practices, national resources available at the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention.
CLE is available for people who attended the webinar live, and for people who view the webinar after its initial presentation. The CLE number is 2301819N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 20-59.
Strangulation: All Things Lethal and Medical
In this 1.5 hour webinar designed specifically for judges and court staff, Gael Strack, JD, and Casey Gwinn, JD, cover key medical terms, the medical signs and symptoms of strangulation, the seriousness and lethality of strangulation and suffocation assaults, and the short and long term consequences of asphyxia for victims. Gael and Casey will also share promising practices and national resources available at the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, and answer questions posed by the live audience.
CLE is available for people who attended the webinar live, and for people who view the webinar after its initial presentation. The CLE number is 2301817N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 20-60.
Gael Strack and Casey Gwinn are attorneys and recognized as national experts in strangulation and founders of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, a project the National Family Justice Center Alliance. They have authored numerous articles and manuals in strangulation, including the Domestic Violence Report in August/September 2014 which dedicated an entire issue to this subject. To learn more about their work go to www.strangulationtraininginstitute.com.
Materials that accompany these webinars:
Domestic Violence Report - This article, published in February/March of 2020, summarizes how a Family Justice Center that integrates trauma-informed and hope-centered practices can address the needs of victims of interpersonal violence.
Strangulation Assessment Card - This two-page document summarizes the signs and symptoms that a victim may experience in a strangulation case.
The Office of the State Courts Administrator gratefully acknowledges Alliance for HOPE International, Casey Gwinn, and Gael Strack for allowing us to reproduce the documents above.
The Institute for Family Violence Studies – Supervised Visitation Webinar
Karen Oehme, JD, the Institute for Family Violence Studies (IFVS) at Florida State University presented a three-hour interview webinar on Supervised Visitation in Florida, and Trauma and Resilience on April 3, 2020. A certificate of completion was provided to those attending the webinar on April 3, 2020.
Human Trafficking and the Courts
Robin Hassler Thompson, Executive Director of Strive and Thrive Advocacy (STAC), presented a one-hour webinar on Human Trafficking and the Courts on May 20, 2020. One hour of CJE was approved for judges who attended the presentation on May 20, 2020. A certificate of completion was provided to those attending the webinar on May 20th.
CLE is available for people who attended the webinar live, and for people who view the webinar after its initial presentation. The CLE number is 2301962N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 20-45.
Pasco County Sheriff's Office Human Trafficking Webinar
Corporal Wilkett from the Pasco County Sheriff’s office discusses human trafficking in Florida in this hour-long webinar that was presented in April 2020. Participants will learn about what human trafficking is, its scope and impact, and how it intersects with domestic violence and sexual assault.
Domestic Violence Case Law Update (October 23, 2019)
The Honorable Thomas Eineman of the Fifth Judicial Circuit presented a one-hour domestic violence case law update on October 23, 2019. The update reviewed recent Florida appellate court decisions concerning domestic, repeat, dating, and sexual violence, and stalking proceedings. One hour of CJE was approved for judges who attended the presentation on October 23, 2019. A certificate of completion was provided to those persons attending on October 23rd. One hour of CLE has been approved as well. CLE is available for persons who attended the webinar on October 23rd and for persons who viewed the webinar after its initial presentation. The CLE number is 2302002N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 19-69. The cases referred to in the webinar are available here.
“Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me When I’m 64?” (February 28, 2019)
The Honorable Michelle Morley of the Fifth Judicial Circuit presented a one-hour webinar on elder abuse on February 28, 2019. CJE and CLE have both been approved. Judges who attended the presentation on February 28, 2019, may earn one hour of CJE, by sending their certificate of attendance to CJEMail@taogoods.net. Attorneys who view this webinar in its entirety may seek 1 hour of CLE credit from the Florida Bar by referencing course 2301959N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 19-03.
Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They and What Can They Tell the Courts?
Inaccurate assumptions about medical evidence in adult victim sexual assault trials undermine fairness in the justice system. These trials bring with them expectations about the kinds of injuries “real” victims sustain, the kind of medical evidence that will be offered, who will present it, and what the medical evidence can “prove.” This webinar will provide accurate information about the purposes and processes of medical forensic sexual assault examinations and what they can and cannot “prove.” It will also explore some of the legal issues these examinations raise for judicial resolution. The CLE reference number for this webinar is 2301960N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1.25 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 17-62.
Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: The Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence
Lynn Hecht Schafran, Esq., Director, National Judicial Education Program
The term “intimate partner sexual abuse” encompasses a continuum of behaviors from verbal degradation relating to sexuality to felony-level sexual abuse and torture. Cases involving this type of abuse present complex challenges for the judiciary, beyond the overarching goal of protecting victims and their children while ensuring due process for the accused. This webinar provides current interdisciplinary research from law, medicine, and the social sciences. Participants will learn about the implications for the courts of the severe impact of intimate partner sexual abuse, how the law itself often undermines victim safety, how to create a court environment in which victims feel safe disclosing, cultural issues that affect disclosure, which risk assessment instruments include intimate partner sexual abuse as a factor, how to assess the capability of batterer intervention and sex offender treatment programs to address intimate partner sexual abuse and more. The CLE reference number for this webinar is 2301972N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1.25 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 17-61.
Judges Tell: What I Wish I Had Known Before I Presided in an Adult Victim Sexual Assault Case
Lynn Hecht Schafran, Esq., Director, National Judicial Education Program and Jennifer Becker, Staff Attorney, National Judicial Education Program.
Sexual assault cases present a unique challenge for the judiciary. They are unique in that they are beset with a myriad of deeply held stereotypes and misconceptions that can undermine the judicial process. To assist new judges, NJEP canvassed judges across the country who had attended NJEP programs to ask what these judges wished they had known before they presided in an adult victim sexual assault case, or a case of co-perpetrated sexual abuse and domestic violence. This webinar explores their responses in an interactive fact vs. myth format and include a discussion of each based on law and social and medical sciences. The CLE reference number for this webinar is 2301999N (valid prior to 8/31/2024). Judges can receive 1 CJE credit by contacting CJEMail@taogoods.net and referencing course 17-40.
Webinars from External Sources:
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Webinar Series
The NCJFCJ, in collaboration with a number of other agencies and organizations, has developed a large online library of webinars, devoted to a number of family court and domestic violence court issues. Judges interested in examining the NCJFCJ webinar library can go to this website for more information.
If you are interested in submitting videos to the FIIV for archival purposes, please contact vcsupport@taogoods.net. Thank you.